Tarot Card Reading | Self Acceptance & Letting Go

Cards Pulled in This Reading:  Ace of Wands, Death, Ten of Wands, The Empress, The High Priestess, Two of Swords, Three of Pentacles, Knight of Wands


Hi Soul Fam, welcome or welcome back to this channel. If we haven’t met before, my name is Frances. I’m the founder and lead practitioner at Four Noble. I’m honored and excited to be here with you today for your tarot reading for this week. So. let’s get right into it.

We are working with the Four Noble Tarot deck, which comes with 78 tarot cards and a guidebook. This deck is great for beginners, professionals, and anyone who loves using tarot in their day-to-day lives. Whether you read for yourself or for friends, this beautiful deck is perfect. I created it in collaboration with Haley of Old Soul Studio, who was the artist and designer behind it. I highly recommend checking her out because she's wonderful.

Now, let's start by connecting our energy and diving right in. I'm working in the light and the highest good for everyone here, keeping my energy cleansed and protected, as well as welcoming in my spiritual team and each person's spiritual team here. Okay, let's see what we need to know for this week.

First, I'll shuffle the cards. Sometimes when a big split happens, I'm called to reshuffle, but today I'm not feeling that urge. They just want me to close the gap. Noted. So, let's ask our spiritual teams to guide us this week, providing insight, exercises, and practices. Feel free to join me by sharing your intention and energy.

Alright, thank you for your patience. We have three cards and two cards, so it seems like three sets of focus or guidance. But as we start reading, they will all come together. Let's see what's going on.

Tarot Card Reading Self Acceptance & Letting Go

In the first set, we have the Ace of Wands, the Death card, and the Ten of Wands. This week is all about renewal. The Ace of Wands represents fresh starts and new beginnings, which may not necessarily be fast but can be a new idea, friendship, habit, or mindset shift. As you embrace this new energy, you're also clearing out the old. The Death card signifies a transformation from one version of yourself to the next. It's important to let go of the old patterns, habits, or anything that no longer serves you. The Ten of Wands indicates completion and fulfillment. Although it may feel sticky at times, embrace the changes and endings to fully step into the Ace of Wands energy.

In the second set, we have The Empress, The High Priestess, and the Two of Swords. Both The Empress and The High Priestess are rooted in the divine feminine. The Empress represents gentle strength and nurturing, while the High Priestess is a spiritual powerhouse and represents our Shadow Self. There's a push and pull between these energies, and the Two of Swords indicates decision-making. Embrace both the nurturing and powerful aspects of yourself. Face and accept the hidden parts of your soul without shame. Strive for balance in your self-care, spiritual connection, and authenticity.

Moving to the last set, we have the Three of Pentacles and the Knight of Wands. The Three of Pentacles symbolize community, collaboration, and teamwork. Value everyone's unique strengths within your relationships. Instead of focusing on what others should do, acknowledge their strengths and find ways to bring them together for a common goal. The Knight of Wands represents intentional forward movement. By leveraging everyone's strengths, you can create intentional action steps towards your desired outcomes.

To summarize, this week brings new energy and the need for personal transformation. Embrace the changes and clear out what no longer serves you. Find balance between gentleness and strength, nurturing and self-acceptance, and spiritual connection. In your relationships, value everyone's strengths and collaborate for intentional forward movement.

If you have any questions or want to share how this resonated with you, please leave a comment. Consider donating to the love jar, which helps me show up with energy for you every week. You can find the PayPal donation link in the description. If you're interested, you can also purchase the Four Noble Tarot deck, which includes a bonus course. Check out the description for more information. Liking and subscribing to this channel would be greatly appreciated as well, as it helps grow our community and connect with more beautiful souls worldwide. Sending you lots of love, and I'll see you again soon.

Sending so much love and light your way. 

With gratitude,


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