Tarot Card Reading | Gemini Season ♊
Cards Pulled in This Reading: The Fool, King of Swords, Two of Wands, Death (Mantra card)
Hi Soul Fam, welcome back to this channel where we do tarot card readings every single Monday. If we haven't met before, my name is Frances. I'm the founder and lead practitioner at Four Noble, and the creator of the Four Noble Tarot deck. And if you're here every week, welcome back! It's wonderful to be connected with you again.
So, I'm going to start shuffling the cards, and we'll dive right into our reading this week. Let's go ahead and dive in. You are welcome to join me here, set your intention, or you can simply watch.
Working in the light, in the highest for everyone here, it's the greatest good and deepest healing and understanding at this time. Keeping my energy cleansed and protected, and everyone's energy here as well. Welcoming my spiritual team and each person's spiritual team.
Okay, let's begin. Please also remember, if you're seeing this video after the week or the time it was recorded, it found you for a reason. So the guidance will still resonate. So please stick around so that you can receive what the universe is ready to share with you at this time.
So, I have the cards spread here in what I call the intuitive rainbow, and I'm just gonna hover my hands over them, pull the cards calling for us, and share the messages with you. Here we go.
Universe, spiritual teams, what do we need to know this week entering Gemini season?
Tarot Card Reading | Gemini Season ♊
Alright, so we have three cards. Oftentimes, if you've been here before, you've seen that sometimes we'll have like four cards come out at once, or while we're shuffling, a card will shoot out at us. Today, they were very specific. The energy feels a little bit more gentle. I know we just had our new moon and then our Mercury retrograde ending, and now we're entering Taurus season. So, it feels like there's been a lot of endings, shiftings, and transformations, and now we're coming into this newer energy.
Now, while I can't say what's going on astrologically because I am not an astrologer, energetically, it does feel a little bit calmer, maybe even a little bit sleepy in a way. Kind of this call to, instead of starting fresh, let's go at it with more of a slow and deliberate energy. More like a plant that's getting seeded, then it roots, and then it sprouts and grows in its own time. Feels more like that energy versus go, go. However, let's see what the cards say.
So, the first card here is The Fool. I love this card. The Fool says, "Go for it!" If you have been waiting for a yes, if you have been waiting for permission, this card says you're ready. It might not feel like you're ready, but jump, take the plunge, take the risk, go on the adventure. Say yes, now is the time. The universe will catch you. You will not be led astray.
So many times, we wait for signs, is this the right path, am I making the right choice, is this the right direction? Spiritual teams want us to know you lead the way. Jump, we will catch you. We will not let you fall. Yeah, so you take the first step, and then your spiritual team and the universe will come in and help guide you, versus here is the path and then you walk it. Sometimes you have to take that first step on your own, and then the universe will come in. So, if you have been waiting for a yes to proceed, to move forward, to take the risk, to have the conversation, to bet on yourself, to give yourself a day off, whatever it is for you, this is your yes. Okay, so exciting. I love The Fool card.
And then, it's interesting because the Fool doesn't mean you are being foolish. It means that you are embracing the adventure of what it is to be alive. And they're also saying, you can't make mistakes because even if you make a mistake, you learn from that mistake. It's all part of the path and the journey. So, do not fear the unknown, do not fear that you will fail, do not fear the "what if I mess it up?" As long as you are safe and you are not hurting others, this card says go for it. Yeah, love it.
Okay, next card. King of Swords, very interesting. Alright, so King of Swords energy, this is the energy of movement. Now, what is interesting was that gentle energy I was picking up on. This card's like, "Frances, you're wrong, girl." So, I'm like, "Okay, we'll see." However, King of Swords doesn't necessarily mean fast, fast, fast, but it is very action-oriented. So, you have two cards coming through this week that are telling you, "Go" and/or telling you, "Do it." So, whatever the thing is that you have been thinking about, this is the week to now take action.
Okay, and if you were here last week, a lot of it was planning. What do you want? You don't have to take action yet, just decide. This week, they're like, if you want to move, move now. This does not mean you need to rush. So, I'm actually going to come back to that slower energy. If you are feeling that planting of seeds more so, embrace that. But we still need movement and decisions to be made. We're not in the in-between anymore, okay? They don't necessarily need to be fast, but they need to be happening if you want them to be fast. That is supported as well.
King of Swords says you are the master of your reality, you are the master of your journey, you are the master of your destiny. So, you get to make the decisions. And once again, once those decisions are made, then Spirit comes in and helps guide you. So, it's really this week about you creating your destiny and not waiting. This is the permission you've been waiting for. We trust you, meaning your spiritual teams trust you. So, please trust yourself.
Okay, we will come in afterwards and guide you, but you have to take the first step so we know what to do, so we know how to support you. Yeah, because right now they're like, "We're on hold, we're waiting to see where you want to go, what you want to do, and then once you tell us, we're there. We're going to help you, we're going to guide you." But until you tell us, we can't help you because this is ultimately your decision. Okay, so this is the week for action. The speed at which you take that action is up to you and your energy and what you're feeling. However, I would suggest, um, you know, based on these cards, maybe not suggest, but have you contemplate and think about really making those decisions, the things you've been putting off. This even goes into household chores or things on your to-do list that you've been like, "Okay, I'll get to that, I'll get to that." It's starting to now take up space in your head. So, this week, number one, get all those things done if you can. Like, really just checkmark and get them off the list, clear the space. And then, number two, wherever you want to take action or any ideas that you've had or any desires you've been wanting to move towards, start the process now. This doesn't have to be some huge intricate thing. It could be like, "I want to go to Italy this summer," and so, um, "I'm gonna start looking at flights." That's action. Okay? Or it could be, "I want to start this business. I'm going to buy my website domain." Action. Yeah, so it's really up to you how you want to take this guidance, but it is no longer the week for waiting. Okay? And your spiritual team isn't going to do it for you. You've got to do it. Okay? Alright.
And then, our third card here. Very interesting, fam. Remember, I was talking about the Two of Wands from last week. Well, hey, the Two of Wands is back. What they're saying with this card this week is even though you're going to be in action, even though you're going to be moving, don't forget the desires you set to begin with. As you start, you might start to hit a little panic wall. This is hard, wait, I don't know, wait, oh my God, what am I doing, wait, I don't know if I can do this, wait, whoa, I don't... I need support, I'm not gonna do it, it's too much, you know what, whatever, it's fine, my life's good, I don't... I don't need to do that thing. Your team's like, "No, don't forget. Don't forget the goals you set, don't forget the big dreams. Do not get discouraged by any challenges that come in your way, any loud inner critic thoughts, any insecurities. You decided what you wanted. You deserve to have it." So, this is still where that slowness comes in. They're saying, it might not happen overnight. Right, this absolute transformation of life or of who you are might not just happen overnight. However, you are being encouraged to really take action toward it. If things get hard, if things feel sticky, it's not a sign to not continue. That was a tricky way of saying that. It's not a sign to stop trying. It's a sign to remind you to keep your eye on the end goal, to keep your eye on the vision. And, okay, mistakes, challenges, fears, loud inner critic, these are all opportunities highlighting places where I can heal and grow so I can actually be the best version of myself or the highest or the widest version of myself when I do finally reach this goal. And the more I work through the stickiness, the easier it's going to get for me to be there. But it might take a little bit of time, but that doesn't mean I'm not moving. Okay? So, when things get hard, remind yourself of the end goal. Come back to the feeling of what it feels like when this thing will be completed, when this thing will be out in the world, when this thing will be something that you created or implemented or put together. And when you're back in that feeling of, "Okay, it's done and I'm so proud of myself, no matter what this thing is, big or small, I did that," and we can carry on now. Yeah, it's very much about the action. Again, they just keep repeating themselves, the action. If you feel challenged, do not stop. Pause, come back to the big dream, and then keep going. Okay? Beautiful.
Alright, I want to pull a mantra card for this week. So, something that we could be repeating to ourselves to help us embrace this energy. So, what is our mantra for this week, the last week of May, Gemini season, and whenever they're watching this video? What do we need to know? What do we need to repeat?
Okay, I love that they're all coming out as single cards today. I know that seems very normal if you pull tarot, and always single cards spell. But usually, for me, there's like at least two or three that usually come out. I really like the concision here. Okay, so our mantra this week, yes, we can't make this stuff up.
Okay, the Death card. This is the card of transformation, right? But it's also the transition. And looking at this image, this butterfly coming out of the chrysalis, that's not an easy journey, right? And it's also that this butterfly can never go back to being a caterpillar. It has to turn inward, it has to focus. Just like we did last week, what do we want? Two of Wands. And then it begins the journey, the struggle out of the chrysalis, pushing, using those wings, using those wings. It doesn't stop like, "Oh, I didn't just pop out, so you know what? Whatever, I'll just stay in here forever." No, then it's gonna die in there, right? No way. We don't want that. Instead, the actual death, because the journey was too hard and you gave up, it's the death of who you once were because the journey was so hard, you pushed through.
Whoa, please write that down. If that resonated with you, that was beautiful. Thank you, teams. That was so beautiful. But it really is. There's this story, I don't know if it's real or made up, but it's about this little boy who was walking with his grandpa and he saw a butterfly coming out of its chrysalis, and his grandpa was like, "Oh, let's help it," not knowing. And they helped it out of its chrysalis, and it never flew away because moving through that chrysalis, coming out, is what strengthened the wings enough for it to be able to fly. And without that struggle, it wouldn't be able to fly. Right? So, that's the same for you too. We need sometimes the struggle. It doesn't mean we stop moving or stop focusing on that end goal of completing the transition and the transformation. Who we once were, even an hour ago, is not who we are now. We are continually moving. And this is not to put pressure on you for continued self-development. That's too much pressure to hold. But it is allowing you the freedom to transform into whoever you want to be. Sometimes, there is a struggle in the journey with that. Yeah, but when we get there, fully embracing our butterfly self, how worth it was all of that? Yeah. So, the mantra this week is, "I embrace my transformation" or "Struggles strengthen me" or "I accept my transformation within the balance of efforts and ease." "I accept my transformation" period. Or, "I accept my transformation within the balance of effort and ease." Or, you can make up your own mantra based on this card. Yeah. But remembering ultimately that who you once were is not who you are now, tomorrow, five years. You get to constantly change that if you want to. Not for a pressure to change, but rather an opportunity to be who you really want to be in this world, in this universe. But sometimes, it's hard. That's part of the journey. Just keep your eye on that end goal, and you will get there. Okay?
So inspiring this week. I love it. I'm so excited for all of you. Please let me know how this resonated with you in the comments. I love reading those. If you feel called to donate, I will leave my PayPal link in the description box below. This is what I call the love jar. This helps me to show up with energy for you every single week. So thank you so much in advance for those donations. I appreciate every single cent that comes my way. So thank you, thank you, thank you. I see your name, and I send you so much love when that comes through. So I appreciate that so, so much. I appreciate you so, so much. If you would like to purchase the Four Noble Tarot deck, which does also come with a guidebook, you can do so by clicking the link Four Noble Tarot deck. I'm sending so much love and light to you, and I look forward to connecting again soon. Thanks.
Sending so much love and light your way.
With gratitude,
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